Tonnellerie Vernou
Premium Wine Barrels
Founded in 1964 by Jean Vernou, all the Vernou team joined Doreau Tonneliers in 2010. Specialized in premium wine barrels, Vernou exports 80% of its volumes over United States, Israel, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Australia... The barrel Collection has been completed by a range of Roll Fermentor, Casks, Tanks and and Alternatives.
Through 50 year experience, Tonnellerie Vernou has listened to their customers’ needs, developing barrels whose toasts and well-seasoned woods complement the finest aging regimens.
Tonnellerie Vernou produces large wood origins, including French oak, European oak and American oak as well.​
The Cooper's Signature
Each Cooperage has its specific process of toasting which constitutes “the signature” of the Cooper.
Vernou Cooperage offers four levels of toasting :
Light toasting (L)
Medium toasting (M)
Medium plus toasting (M+)
Heavy toasting (H)
While operating in three technics :
The standard toasting.
Slow and long toasting (S), for delicate oak profile as well as respecting the fruit characteristics.
Intense at the end of the toasting (R), for concentrate and big wines.
Vernou Classic
Vernou Seduction
Vernou Charme
By Vernou